Monday, October 17, 2022

15, 16, 17 - Spiders 1, 2 and 3

Okay, netflix failed me.  Was too hard to find movies on short notice.  I had to resort to TV.  As it turns out, there's a TV station on basic cable called Comet that plays monster movies on a daily basis.  They cut out nudity and swear words, of all things, and there are commercials, but at least they show the movies.  Oh well.  Until netflix comes up with some more horror for me to watch, I'm scrounging.  Maybe I should cave in and buy a subscription to Shudder over the internet.  May have to.

Spiders (2000) opens the "giant mutant spider" series of movies with an experiment that starts at "Area 21," some supposedly-secret government base, goes into outer space to inject "alien DNA" into an extremely venomous breed of spider, and then the space shuttle where the experiments are occurring crashes into Area 21, but this doesn't stop the killer spider from terrorizing area 21 and a trio of college journalists for the rest of the movie.

Spiders 2 (2001) continues the series of giant mutant spiders with experiments conductewd on a cargo ship at sea.  A couple on a sailboat ends up in the drink, and is rescued by a passing cargo ship.  Everything seems great until the ship's doctor begins experimenting on one of them.  Richard Moll from Night Court fame plays the Doctor!  I recognized him instantly.

Spiders 3D (2013) hopefully ends the giant mutant spiders series of movies where a space station contining mutant spiders crashes back to earth and ends up in a NY city subway.  A subway worker and his family get involved in tracking the thing down and trying to stop the invasion of giant spiders wreaking hovoc on the big apple.

These weren't exactly the best monster movies i have ever seen, but they are your basic popcorn-munching horrror movies that are chock full of action.  About the only actors I recognized were Richard Moll (the guard from night court), and Patrick Muldoon (from numerous B-horror flicks).  Euphoria fans might recognize Sydney Sweeney as Patrick's daughter in Spiders 3D.  huh!  Turns out Sydney Sweeney has also been in Dead Ant (giant ant movie which i think I reviewed a few years back) and Night Teeth, which I believe is on netflix and I haven't seen yet.  Well, I think I know what I am watching tomorrow night on Netflix!  :-D

In other news, I think I am now fully caught up on the movie reviews.  I felt kind of bad about reviewing such 20-year-old movies as the spiders series, but i typically watch several horror movies a day if I can find them, and I caught these on Comet on TV and couldn't resist a good spider movie marathon.  I figured since I was watching them anyways, I might as well review them!  Plus, I took a nice ride in the countryside yesterday to snap some fall foliage pics and I'm sore as hell (chronic pain issues are aggravated by driving, sadly), so forgive me if my post is lacking the usual level of snappy humor you've grown used to over the years.  I am sure my sense of humor will return soon.  So, you guys got stuck with giant mutant spider movie reviews.  Well, it is that time of year.  I walked through a dangling web earlier and damn near crapped myself.  Creepy lil spiders.  You know, I am going to walk my house and make sure there aren't any waiting to drop on me from the ceiling.  See you guys next time!

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