Saturday, October 3, 2020

3 - Night of the Creeps (1986)

I just love B-horror movies.  They're entertaining, they're fun to watch with a bucket of popcorn, and they just don't give a rat's patootie if the critics like them or not.  I could spend all month long just reviewing B-horror flicks, and, come to think of it, I probably will be.  So go get your strap-on, uh, I mean, strap yourself in for a wild ride!

Night of the Creeps (1986) is a tender story of love between a man and a woman, a cop and a sorority girl, and zombie alien brain slugs.  Hang on, I'll get to that part.  So, like any good horror film from 1959, this story mostly starts out with the escape of a mental patient from a lunatic asylum.  In typical horror-movie fashion, a guy and a girl are out on a date, and make bad decisions.  Like, not listening to the radio announcing the escape of a mental patient from an asylum.  So they see this meteor blasting into the woods (like so many other horror movies begin) and and the guy wanders off into the woods to find it, leaving the girl alone in the car.  Where an axe murderer happens to be out wandering around.  Fast forward to 1986, and a couple of dorks (which they call themselves several times in the movie) are trying to pledge a fraternity, and the jocks decide to test them with a fraternity prank.  So the dorks find a cryogenics lab on the campus, and of course, there just so happens to be a corpse inside it from 1959.  You know what happens next!  That's right.  All hell breaks loose.  You knew it was comin.  ;-)

Night of the Creeps is one of my favorite movies, and not just because the main character happens to be a dork (played by Jason Lively, Rusty from Vacation).  There's also Detective Cameron (played by Tom Atkins, from Halloween 3, and the Fog), and Cynthia Cronenberg (Jill Whitlow, who I don't recall seeing in anything else ever, but is adorably cute in this).  This plays out like a comedy, but is basically a sci-fi-alien-zombie-slasher-love-story-revenge flick.  Yeah, I think that abouts covers it.  Special effects are pretty good for 1986, and hold up fairly well.  Acting is good.  Dialogue is superb, and very funny.  I caught this on Turner Classic Movies a while back, and DVR'd it, and forgot I had it.  This was the Director's cut, which doesn't look any different from the version I saw, so I'm not sure what was different.  I'm sure this movie is out there, somewhere, if you want to see it.

Now, let's deal with the elephant in the room.  The Zombie Alien Brain Slugs.  Yeah, that's a thing, at least in this movie.  So there's a brief scene at the beginning of this movie, it looks pretty ridiculous, but there's basically an alien zombie running around with a cylinder full of slugs.  And there's two not-dead aliens chasing it with guns, and they're really desperate to stop that "experiment," as they call it, from getting off the ship.  Unfortunately, it does!  And that's the crashed meteor from back in 1959, which leads to... well, everything else.  Now, I'm going to ruin a few parts for you, if you don't mind.  Spoilers to follow.

I love the part where the Janitor sees them running out of the building, and keeps giggling about them "screaming like banshees."  I love every interaction between the two nerds, because it's all hilarious.  I love how Detective Cameron confesses to tracking down and blowing away the psycho who hacked up his girlfriend with an axe, and then covered up the crime by burying the body.  I love how all the little stories in this movie interact to form an absolute mess.  I love how Detective Cameron is like one lighter flick away from ending it all.  Depression is a thing, people.  If you suffer from it, like Detective Cameron who lost his one true love in 1959 and revenge-killed her murderer and then hid the body and hasn't been the same since, please get help.  There may be aliens out there who just want to hug your brains!  :-)

Okay, all that having been said, I've seen this movie about 50 times.  Always entertaining.  Watch it if you can.  In other news, it's Saturday night and there are other horror movies to watch.  My kinda good time!  :-D  Bye for now!

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