Friday, October 2, 2020

2 - Vampires vs The Bronx (2020)

Last night's movie was from as far back in my childhood as I started watching horror movies, and tonight's movie just dropped on netflix TODAY, so we are getting quite the range up in here.  But I like a wide variety of horror movies, all over the genre, just like I like my music.  So let's skip all the chatter and get right to the review!

Vampires vs the Bronx (2020) stars three main characters, boys just on the verge of entering adulthood. The first is Lil Mayor, aka Miguel Martinez, the socially-adept leader of the group, a kid from the bronx just looking to save his favorite Bodega (run by his buddy Tony) from being forced out by a rent hike.  Bobby Carter is one of Miguel's homies, whose father was gunned down in the streets.  Henny, a local thug, is looking to hook Bobby up with his crew, but so far, Bobby ain't cool with that gang shit.  The third member of Miguel's crew is Luis Acosta, the gangly nerd of the group, just back in town from Miami.  Miguel's posting flyers all over the Bronx to advertise a block party, admission is ten dollars, to raise money to save Tony's Bodega, where Miguel and his friends grew up.  The only problem is, the Vampires are taking over the Bronx, one small busienss at a time, and who do they have their sights set on next?  You guessed it.  Tony's Bodega!  :-o

Zoe Saldana makes a brief Cameo as Becky, who sells her business right at the beginning of the movie and sets the stage for what's going on.  Method Man is Father Jackson, who runs the local church, and has been keeping an eye on these boys for years.  Shea Whigham is Frank Polidari, a shady real estate broker who works for the vampires trying to take over the hood, who I recognized from his recent appearance as Cole in Kong: Skull Island.  But the real stars of this movie are the kid heroes who stand up to the evil vampires trying to pretty much murder every last person in the hood, played by Jaden Michael, Gerald Jones the 3rd and Gregory Diaz the 4th.  Acting was decent, special effects were pretty standard for a vampire movie, and the story did not take any time to get started.  You pretty much knew what was going on from minute one, right up until the end of the movie.  No suspense, granted, but lots of vampire-killing action, and that's really what you want to see in a vampire movie, isn't it?  Yeah, I thought so.

This movie was pretty entertaining.  I'd probably watch this again if it came up on TV at some point, and nothing better was on, so it definitely passes the rewatchability test.  Catch it on Netflix if you want to watch a popcorn-muncher you haven't seen before, something that fits in with October.  I mean, it's not Shakespeare, but Shakespeare's been dead for 400 years, amirite?  Pretty sure he doesn't have anything new coming out.  I was going to look him up on, but I'm pretty sure Shakespeare does not have his own IMDB page.  I could be wrong.  Not even gonna check.

Two movie reviews down, 29 to go!  In other news, it's Friday night and I got computer games to play.  Stay safe out there, campers.  Rumor has it that there's a global pandemic going on.  Wear a mask, and I'm not talking about a goalie mask full of holes (looking at you, Jason Voorhees), or a Captain Kirk mask painted all white (yeah, don't you dare sass me, Michael Myers), because those are definitely not going to be much help stopping the transmission of viruses.  Plus, Cold and Flu season is coming up!  Remember to wash your hands after you brutally murder someone who isn't in your family bubble!  Til next time, which should hopefully be tomorrow night.  :-)

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