Wednesday, October 9, 2019

#8 - Exorcism of Molly Hartley (2015)

There have been so many movies out about exorcism lately, and I can understand the draw.  The Exorcist (1973) has been repeatedly voted one of the scariest movies of all time, and there's a lot of people that want to re-create that experience.  There have been so many exorcism movies made in the last ten years, that I actually didn't even see this one when it came out.  :-o  I know, right?  Wtf!  What can I say?  My bad.

The Exorcism of Molly Hartley (2015) starts out with an exorcism gone horribly wrong, and the surviving priest is immediately de-frocked.  No, not stripped, you pervert.  De-frocked is what they call it when a Priest is cast out of the Church.  The de-frocked priest, to avoid jail time (ok, the exorcism went REALLY wrong) takes an insanity plea.  The insanity plea puts him in an insane asylum, where, you guessed it, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE!  Wait, wait, hold on, I skipped a step.  They bring in Molly Hartley, who, as you can tell from the title, is in need of an exorcism.  A de-frocked Priest and a possessed mental patient in the same Psych ward?  Say it ain't so!  :-o

This movie actually wasn't horrible, and stars Devon Sawa (Idle Hands) as the defrocked priest, Sarah Lind as Molly Hartley, Gina Holden as Dr. Laurie Hawthorne and Peter MacNeill (most recently from the Good Witch series) as Chaplain Henry Davies, who is ... uh, a frocked priest?  (cough)  Yeah.  Anyways, it's got veteran actors, a decently understandable script and the dialogue doesn't make you want to rip your ears off and throw them into a blender, with ... the rest of ... the ears.  Yeah.  Did I mention I have the flu?  Yep.  Feverish.  Oh, I caught this movie on Starz, if you want to watch it.  Like I said, not a bad movie, even some nudity, so it checks all my boxes for decent entertainment.

In other news, I'm still running a movie behind!  Maybe I can do a double feature one of these days.  Been a busy week, and the flu isn't helping any, but my fever's not horrible and I'm not vomiting every 15 minutes, so that's something, right?  Right.  Maybe I can catch up with the review when I feel better.  Catch you guys tomorrow night, assuming all goes well, and the monsters don't get me. Or life.  That's the one you really got to watch out for.  Monsters, you can usually see coming, but Life just fucking sneaks up on you and then you're married with 7 kids and wondering how the fuck you're going to pay your mortgage when you just gambled away all the kids' college money on your fantasy football league.  Fucking fantasy football league.  Now there's a horror story.

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