Wednesday, October 2, 2019

#2 - The Legend of Halloween Jack (2018)

Okay, second day into OHMRAT 2019 and I'm still scrambling to find movies to watch.  Thankfully, I signed up with last month in preparation for October, so I'm grabbing a movie from there tonight.  From what I can tell so far, Vudu has a lot of bad old horror movies (the kind I love without reservation), so if you like those kinds of flicks, sign up for that, it's free.  Sure, Vudu emails the shit out of you trying to get you to buy newer movies (which you can do there if you have money, but I don't), but other than some ads for Vudu during the movie (which seems ridiculous since you're already watching the movie on Vudu, so I don't get that), you can watch them without interruptions.

The Legend of Halloween Jack (2018) is one of Vudu's newer movies.  I picked it because of the scarecrow pic on the icon for the movie, which is a standard symbol of Halloween and autumn.  This movie is your standard serial-killer-gets-off-on-a-technicality, then gets-murdered-by-a-bunch-of-townsfolk, then comes-back-from-the-dead-to-exact-his-revenge routine.  I'm not giving anything away that doesn't happen in the first 5 minutes.  I almost shut the movie off after that.

As is usually a problem with movies I haven't seen yet, there was no way to tell how good this movie was before I started watching it.  Once I started watching it, it was quickly obvious how bad it was.  All the actors were old, and bad at their jobs.  The dialogue was pretty awful.  About the only things I did like about this movie was the Halloween-ish atmosphere, and the one scene where there was an actual honest-to-goodness field of growing pumpkins, which is something you always see around Halloween, but I don't think I've ever seen in a horror movie before.  It wasn't anything special, but it was still cool to see, at least for me.  The rest of the movie was pretty awful, but if you don't want to take my word for it, there's always Vudu.

I usually give a review of the fall series premieres, but this fall has been pretty crappy, as far as I can tell.  About the only series that looked promising was Evil, on thursday nights, but the first episode didn't look very good.  Maybe it'll get better, but I doubt it.  With all the online movie places nowadays, maybe all the good series are ending up there?  Meh, who knows.  That's all for tonight!  Time for more horror movies!  :-D

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