Wednesday, October 16, 2019

#16 - Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000)

It's getting to be that time of year when thoughts turn to winter, and the holidays that come after Halloween.  The search for a good horror movie is never an easy thing, even in summer, and it only gets worse this time of year.  Sometimes, when you're poking your way through the bowels of the innertoobz, you come across a hidden treasure!  Most of the time, you don't.  Sometimes, you find mutant killer snowmen.

Jack Frsot 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman (2000) is a direct sequel to the first Jack Frost movie, and I'm not talking about the one with Michael Keaton.  Jack Frost was a vicious killer whose DNA was combined with an experimental acid and dumped into a snowbank, where Jack Frost the human became Jack Frost, the snowman.  The snowman was eventually dissolved with antifreeze by Sherriff Tiler, at the end of the first Jack Frost.  It's been a year since the horrible events of that god-awful first movie, uh, I mean, that godawful xmas day, and the Tilers have decided to take their xmas vacation on tropical island, where there is absolutely no chance of running into snow, or snowmen, or the memory of the deceased Jack Frost.  Well, guess what?  Jack's back!

This movie wasn't even as good as the first Jack Frost movie, and if you're asking "Wait, Mr. Meandering Scribe, that first movie sounds absolutely horrible!  Mutant killer snowmen?  wtf?  How can this movie POSSIBLY be any worse?"  Well, let me tell you.  It just is.  Trust me on this.  If you want proof, the original Jack Frost and Jack Frost 2 are both on, if you want to check them out.  If you love bad movies, you might enjoy them.  I'm not usually a big fan of movies this bad.  Obviously, this was more of a comedy than a horror movie, and not even very funny.  But, the actors returned for a second try.  Got to give them props for being that brave.  Or maybe they were just bored and drunk.  It happens.

In other news, pretty sure I am over my flu.  Now I get to catch up on all the adulting I couldn't do while I was ill, so I'm going to be super-busy the next few days.  Wheee!  What fun.  Oh well!  Halfway through the month, and I'm on schedule!  October Horror Movie Review-a-thon 2019 is going well!  If only I could get the Banana Splits song out of my head from several reviews ago.  TRA LA LA, LA LALA LAA, TRA LA LA, LA LALA LAAA! ONE BANANA, TWO BANANA, THREE BANANA, FOUR!  Now that's horrifying, isn't it?  Oh, not the song, me singing.  (shudder)

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