Sunday, October 13, 2019

#11 - Banana Splits (2019)

I remember watching the Banana Splits show when I was a kid.  There were a bunch of costumed lunatics tripping around an empty circus, introducing cartoons like Grape Ape and other odd concoctions.  It makes a lot more sense if I tell you the show aired during the early 70's.  Everyone was high af back then.  I was hoping this movie would be narrated by Charles Nelson Reilly, who narrated a similar show back in the early 70's by the same people who made Banana Splits, but he died a little over ten years ago, so...  uh... it'd be a little creepy if he was narrating this one.  Yeah.

Banana Splits (2019) is about a kid who loves the Banana Splits show, which, in this alternate-universe-version of reality, has been going since 1969.  It's this kid's birthday, and his mom and step-dad get him 5 tickets to a taping of the Banana Splits show.  The kid's got like one friend (who has the flu) so he's stuck taking his second choice, and he heads off with his older brother, mom and step-dad, who was dragged along by mom.  Everything seems to be going smoothly, until the unthinkable happens.  The show is cancelled!  :-o  Then...  you know it...  all hell breaks loose!

I caught this on Syfy, and it's apparently an original Syfy production, so make of that what you will.  It's part of their 31 days of Halloween, which is also done by a lot of other channels, as well.  This movie wasn't the best horror movie ever made, but it's certainly not the worst.  The plot was coherent and the acting passable.  The effects were decent.  I can't say as I was scared at any point in the film, but there were no spiders crawling aross my TV at the time, so that's completely understandable.  It was entertaining at some points, and there's some generous gore, so, there's that.  I presume Syfy will show it again at some point this month, so check your local listings if you want to see it.

I know, I'm still two movies behind.  I was going to try to catch up today, but it just didn't happen.  Still flu-ey.  I'll get there!  Til next time, horror movie fans!  Aw, who am I kidding, nobody reads these things.  This blog is mostly just for me at this point.  I talk to myself a lot.  Maybe that doesn't surprise you.  I didn't think it would.

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Happy Halloween!

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