Monday, October 10, 2022

8 - Old People (2022)

Right, well, this is going to post very early on ther 10th, but the point is, i watched it on the 9th and it's number 8 for the month.  So i have two movies to watch tomorrow and then I am all caught.  if I can find two movies to watch tomorrow.  But it's late, I better get toth e review before I nod off in mid sentence.  Has happened before.  Probably will again.

Old People (2022) is a horror film similar to 28 days, only instead of a rage virus we're looking at some sort of ancient (heh, ancient, old people, see what i did there?) curse, similar to the witch's curse movies that I reviewed earlier today, only there aren't as many flashbacks.  Anyways, to sum up, a woman returns home with her kids to her ex-husband's place to attend the marraige of her younger sister to her betrothed.  Along the way they pick up her dad, who is in one of the old folks homes.  As is usually the case, the home is understaffed and the old people are treated like refuse, but they bring her dad tot he wedding and then the wedding night comes and, as usual, you guessed it.. all hell breaks loose.

This is a german-made film, so i didn't recognize any of the actors.  The acting was decent, special effects were pretty minimal, but it made sense, i suppose.  The old folks did a great job of appearing threatening.  i mean it's kind of like one of those evil-kid films but it's like an evil old-person film and sometimes a veteran actor can really do evil better than a kid can, I suppose.  I don't know.  I think kids scare me more anyways.  Meh.  It's on netflix, not a bad watch, but I probably won't want to see this one again.  might be worth a watch if you're looking for some horror.  nothing outstanding, and no really cool monsters, so it goes to the bottom of my list.

that's all for tonight, will be watching more movies soon to catch up.  Just not tonight.  it's late and i need my sleepies.  geting old, you know.  hell, i've lived at least a tenth of my life give or take 10000%.  i can't say what sort of technological and biological advances we will have in the future so i don't want to short-change myself.  good talk!

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