Saturday, October 22, 2022

19, 20 - Incident in a Ghostland, Don't Kill Me

Wheee few movies behind again.  No worries, i am trying to catch up.  Life gets in the way a lot, doesn't it?  Like ferris beueller says, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.  What?  You don't know who ferris bueller is?  Goddamn kids these days.  Get off my lawn.

Incident in a Ghostland (2018) is on netflix.  It's about a pair of sisters and a mom who have a run-in with a kooky guy in a candy truck.  And yes, that is just as creepy as it sounds.  Years later, one of the sisters comes home to see how her family is doing, and the answer is... not well.

This wasn't a bad movie.  I don't want to give too much away by discussing the plot at length, so i won't.  Hah!  fooled you.  you thought I was going to give away spoilers, didn't you?  Well, you were right.  I didn't really recognize any of the actors in this one, but they did a decent job.  No real monsters, some nudity, lots of creepiness, like an above-average amount of creepiness.  Effects were about average for a movie of this type.  Not really something I'd watch again, but it was a decent first-time watch.  Some of the parts were a little hard to watch, and that's saying a lot coming from a guy who's spent the last 45 years watching horror movies.  Check it out on netflix and bring the popcorn!  make sure there are no lethal spiders in it, first though.  That's what happened in arachnophobia.  ended badly for the morticians.

Don't Kill Me (2022) is also on netflix.  it's definitely a foreign film but still pretty well done.  a teen named Mirte and her lover Robin accidentally OD on drugs, and that would be the end of the movie, except Mirte doesn't stay dead.  That's pretty much in the first 5 minutes, so i'm not giving away any spoilers, either.

I also didn't know any of the actors in this movie.  Lots of nudity, and obviously there's a dead woman in it.  Pretty well done, effects were kind of cheap for a movie of this type but they got the job done.  No jump scares, surprisingly.  Lots of movies of this type depend on the jump scares to get you, but this one just rolled with ithe action, and there was plenty of it.  I liked it for that.  On netflix if you want to watch it, and i do recommend checking it out.  I love that the Don't Kill me title sounds like begging at first, but becomes a warning as the movie goes on.  I will probably watch this one again at some point, if I get the chance.  I mean, it's no Darkness Falls or Halloween, but it's definitely not bad.

In other news, I am pretty sore today, I overdid it again!  Yeah, I have a tendency to do that, but I mowed my lawn, washed some screens and took a ride yesterday, so i am totes getting shit done this weekend.  Had rough patch last night, boy.  The anxiety was through the roof.  Almost a full-blown panic attack, but i managed to head it off at the pass and finally got back to sleep.  Probably be worse tonight, because the pain is going to be worse tonight.  Or, I might just sleep like a rock because I am exhausted.  I'll let you know.  Temps here are in the 70s, which is unsual for western NY in the second half of October!  Sunny and warm and watching horror movies is my jam.  Just gonna enjoy tomorrow and take it easy and hopefully catch up on horror flicks.  Tonight, I am going to eat ice cream and play computer games.  See you guys soon!  :-)

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