Monday, October 10, 2022

10 - The Privilege (2022)

Whee finally found something i can watch!  Hopefully netflix comes out with a new movie every day this month, otherwise i am going to be running short on movies to review.  Also, i have a headahe coming on, so I am going to keep this brief.

The Privilege (2022) is a german film about body horror, I guess is as close as you could call it.  The tagline is something about rich german kids going to an elite school and finding out something weird, but the story really had nothing to do with thae school as far as i could tell, and that's not even a spoiler because nothing really has anything to do with the school?  Idk why they even mention it.

Not a bad horror flick, maybe worth a watch, on netflix.  I've known about the zombie ants they mention in biology class during the movie for a long time now.  Acting was decent.  Weird exorcism sub-plot that kinda goes nowhere.  Special effects were kind of lame, bad CGI crap they used to use in the Syfy movies of the week about ten years ago, but I guess it serves the purpose here.  Obviously the actors are all german so I didn't recgnize any of them from other horror movies i've seen, but that's probably the second german horror movie i've seen this month so maybe they will become familiar to me in time.  Would be nice to see more countries come out with their own horrror movies besides just japan, whop have had a lock on horror since 1954's godzilla movie.  Which i still find amazing, 9 years after they got bombed into surrendering during WW2, they come out with godzilla.  totes amazeballs.  why, yes, stewardess, i speak jive.  anyways, maybe germany will have more horror movies coming out.  I'm hopeful, I love a good horror movie.  probably not going to watch this one again, though, it wasn't really that great.

Yay finally cuahght up, 10 movie reviews in 10 days!  In other news yea that headache is settling in so i'm going to have some tylenols and distract myself with computer games til they kick in.  Have a nice evening, catch you on the rebound!  yea, that's right, da scribe is hip to the jive!

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