Saturday, October 1, 2022

1 - The Devil all the Time (2020)

Yea, it's that time of year again, boys and girls.  It's time for OHMRAT, The October Horror Movie Review A Thon.  It's only the first of the month, and already all hell is breaking loose, but enough about my personal life.  Let's get to the movie.

The Devil All The Time (2020) is not really what i would call a horror movie, but sadly, Netflix has listeed it on the Halloween "Streams and Screams" section of its page.  Why did I watch over two hours of Not-horror movies, do you ask?  Because I am a bit of a masochist and I enjoy hurting myself.  No, I really didn't know there wasn't going to be any horror in it.  I mean, there was killing and bodies and, I guess, the horror of humanity?  But I live with the horror of humanity every damned day.  So for me, this was about as scary as the nightly news.  Which, granted, can be pretty frightening sometimes.  Quick plot summary, a boy grows up in a bad place, and it doesn't get any better.

I wasn't particularly a fan of this movie, mainly because there were no monsters in it.  There was Bill Skarsgard, Tom Holland and Robert Pattinson in it, and some other folks who I didn't bother to look up, because I didn't care enough and I'm having a bout of depression due to chronic pain issues, so quit nagging about it before I start crying.  There were no cool CGI special effects because there were no monsters, no demons, no ghosts and no aliens, and I am pretty upset about that.  I would go watch another movie, but like I said, this was over two hours of drama, and it took me an hour of buildup before i realized it was jut going to be boring-ass human drama, all through the rest of the movie.  I did cry then, making this the first actual horror movie to make me cry, out of sheer boredom.

Horrible way to start off a month of horror movie reviews, and I was going to go find an actual horror movie to review, but you know what?  After a couple hours, i just want to warn folks that The Devil All The Time is more of a human drama movie than what I personally would call a horror movie, but hey!  Opinions do vary.  Maybr you'll watch it, and be horrified by the evil acts that humanity commits upon one another.  if so, you really need to get out more.  Or watch the news.

In other news, it's the first of october!  yay!  The spooky season is here!  I have already decorated my house for Halloween.  Which is good because I think I've used up all my energy for the month.  It's already getting cold around here.  We've gone from 80s around labor day to high's in the 50s and 60s.  By the end of october, we'll be down to daily highs in the 30s and 40s, and it'll be time to put up xmas decorations, but I get ahead of myself.  Oktoberfest is winding down, the first time they've had it in several years, due to Covid.  Did you know that's really the only time Oktoberfest is ever cancelled?  World Wars and Global pandemics.  I hope to get there someday, but I am going to have a bratwurst and some beer this weekend, because I am nowhere near being able to afford to go to germany right now.  But not tonight, because i had some painkillers.  Important reminder for kids, do not mix painkillers and alcohol.

All right, I am not sure if I am going to make it to 31 reviews this month, but I will do waht i can.  1 down, 30 to go.  Woohoo!

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Happy Halloween!

And OHMRAT 2023 ends just as it began.  With a quiet whimper.  Sadly, I had no time this month.  Too busy trying to stay alive.  But, I did ...