Sunday, November 1, 2020

31 - Day of the Lord (2020)

It's always a tough choice, what movie to end the month of October with.  Sometimes there's not enough time (like tonight) because of other things going on.  I mean it's a holiday, kids sometimes come to the door for candy (not this year) there's often company (not this year) and every once in a great while, there's a halloween parties (like this year) to go to.  Rocky Horror Picture Show was showing on TV (i missed the beginning, and I've never seen it, so that one was out, but i am aware it's mostly musical), there's the Wolf Man with Lon Chaney Jr (especially tempting tonight because of the rare blue moon on Halloween night, not seen since 1944), but there just wasn't enough time to watch the whole thing before midnight.  I was already halfway through this movie on netflix this afternoon, so I had to watch the rest after the party, just to have a hope of getting this review done by midnight.  I won't have it done by midnight, but here it is anways.

Day of the Lord (2020) is a Netflix movie about a Priest named Menendez who is no longer a priest, who was convicted of murder after the failed exorcism of a little boy, and is only just coming back from a long jail term.  A dear friend comes to visit Menendez as he's trying to adjust to his freedom, and the friend Sebastian has a problem.  He thinks his daughter is possessed.  He wants Menendez to perform an exorcism.  The only problem is, Menendez's methods are a little more aggressive and violent than your average priest, and Menendez isn't even a Priest anymore.  Of course, there's another issue.  Sebastian's daughter doesn't seem to be possessed.  Then, all hell breaks loose.

Yeah, you knew it was coming.  All Hell had to break loose during the last movie of the month!  I gotta say, this movie surprised me.  The acting was decent and the effects were good for what seems to be a low-budget movie of this type.  It's a spanish movie, and I was reading subtitles through the whole flick because i don't know spanish, but it was still a decent movie.  There's only like, 4 actors in the whole thing and there's only one set, but it was pretty well done, and moderately entertaining.  From the sounds of it, they are planning a sequel, but who knows.  Definitely worth a watch on netflix, if you like a decent horror flick.  Not the usual style of horror film, and not even a comedy, but almost funny in the way it is presented.  Not sure if I'd watch it twice, but not bad once.

In other news, Sir Sean Connery passed away earlier today, after an extended illness.  He was 90 years old, and aside from the 007 / James Bond films that made him famous, he starred in many other films throughout his long career and was a talented actor.  From what I've read, he died surrounded by his family in the Bahamas, and I can't think of a better way to go.  At least he made it to Halloween, and celebrated his 90th birthday several months ago.  RIP, Sir Sean Connery.  You were one of the last greats of Hollywood's Golden Age.  :-(

As of this afternoon, I still couldn't watch Charlie Brown's the Great Pumpkin on Apple TV+ without signing up for it first, free month or not.  So, fuck Apple TV+.  I'm not signing up to pay for something that has been free for the last 50 years.  I've got the damn peanuts holiday specials memorized by now, so I'll just remember them fondly and wait for Apple TV+ to wither and die, then watch them for free when they are available again.  I've never owned an Apple computer or other device, and frankly I've never had the desire to, so stealing pieces of my childhood isn't endearing you to me.

And that concludes 2020's October Horror Movie Review-A-Thon!  I, of course, am still enjoying horror movies as I type up this review, The Ninth Gate, to be specific, an annual favorite of mine.  I hope everyone stays safe as the covid death toll rises.  With any luck, it's all over and a distant memory by the time we get around to OHMRAT 2021.  In the meantime, I'll hopefully be back the next time I find a decent movie to review.  Happy and safe Halloween, everyone, though it's probably already over for most of the east coast, where I am.  :-)  Til next time!

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Happy Halloween!

And OHMRAT 2023 ends just as it began.  With a quiet whimper.  Sadly, I had no time this month.  Too busy trying to stay alive.  But, I did ...