Sunday, October 11, 2020

11 - Countdown (2019)

I like the older horror movies, mostly because it's pretty rare that they make decent ones anymore.  It's all about the jump scares and the CGI monsters nowadays, actors in front of green screens, pretending there's something there.  They never use real werewolves or vampires anymore.  Sigh.  The Good Old Days, amirite?  :-D

Countdown (2019) is another of those you-know-you're-gonna-die-and-you're-trying-to-stop-it movies.  You know, like Final Destination, The Ring, and so on.  This time, it's an app on your phone.  You download this app called Countdown, and it tells you how long you're going to live.  Some people get 87 years or whatever, some people get 20 minutes.  It's all a matter of fate, or so the app would have you believe.  In reality, it's Steve down at the coffee shop, dicking around with your timer, laughing his ass off.  Oh, that Steve.  What a jokester.  Goddammit, Steve.  Goddammit so much.

Elizabeth Lail is the lead actress, playing a nurse named Quinn who downloads the app onto her phone after a patient comes in and tells her about it.  The patient dies when the app said he was going to, which leads Quinn to question how long she has left.  As it turns out, it's only a couple days.  The only other actor I recognized was the Nurse's Boss, Dr. Sullivan, played by Peter Facinelli, but the rest of the cast does an adequate job of getting the point across.  Effects were barely passable for a movie of this kind, and I did not find them scary.  Still, the movie has a slow build of tension, though there are long periods of boredom where people are basically staring at their phone waiting for the timer to tell them it's time to die.

So....  Much like real life, in that aspect?  :-/

I caught this movie on one of the Showtime channels, so it might still be available there, if you want to watch it yourself.  I can't really recommend watching it again, but I guess it was okay for a one-shot.  Fast forward through the boring parts.  I did love the Priest, who was just WAITING for something like this to happen.  That dude should show up in every horror movie from now on.  His excitement was hilarious.  Shame he didn't have a bigger part to play, but I guess the excitement would probably wear off if he was facing this stuff down every other day.

In other news, tomorrow is Columbus Day or something.  Happens every year around this time.  Says so right on my calendar.  Guess I get a day off work.  BWAHAHAHAAAAA!  Yeah.  Good one.  I'm off to play something and relax for a bit, before I crash.  See you guys tomorrow.

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