Friday, October 4, 2019

#4 - Ghost Light (2018)

If you've ever said to yourself, "Hey, I wonder what Cary Elwes and Carol Kane have been doing since Princess Bride?" wonder no more.  I found a movie they did in 2018!  It's on one of the showtime channels, showtime women, I think.

Ghost Light (2018) is about a group of Shakespearean actors trying to put on a production of Macbeth at a Canadian theatrical-style retreat/resort.  Apparently there's some superstition about not saying the name of the scottish king during the production, without it being part of the actual play.  There's also a tradition of keeping a "ghost light" (just a lamp of some kind, apparently) lit on the stage, whenever there are no actors present.  Apparently, this keeps the production on track, and forestalls any accidents from screwing up the play.  Unfortunately, a brash young understudy disregards the traditions, and...  you guessed it...  all hell breaks loose!

Yes!  I got to say it, only 4 days in!  Yes!  Yesyesyesyesyes!  YES!  Yeehaw!  Sorry, "all hell breaks loose" is one of my favorite lines.  Anyways, this movie has Carol Kane playing an older actress who portrays one of the Witches in Macbeth, and Cary Elwes playing the scottish king.  Most of the rest of the cast are recognizable acting veterans, even if I can't always recall their names right off the bat.  The acting was decent, even the meta-acting, which was kind of confusing at times.  I'm not even sure this movie qualifies as your standard horror movie, but there are a couple deaths, ghosts, blood, hallucinations, and hey there's even a good thunder and lightning storm.  There are nice outdoor scenes of fall foliage, and hell, there was even some mild nudity!  This movie has everything but a monster, which, alas, is my favorite thing for a horror movie to have.  Still, skilled actors doing skilled acting, a bit of an odd style of horror movie, but a fun watch.  Catch it on Showtime Women if you have that.

Pressed for time tonight, so you guys have a fun friday, and I'll see you next time for movie #5!

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