Thursday, October 31, 2019

#31 - Rattlesnake (2019)

Have you guys ever eaten Rattlesnake?  I did, once.  Tasted like chicken.  I know, everyone says that, but it really did.  Kind of a gamey, reptilian chicken.  Not like gator.  I've had gator lots of times, and it doesn't really taste like chicken.  I had some gator once, tasted like meaty cotton candy, just sort of melted in my mouth, left me with the hint of meatiness to it, but vanished like a fresh breeze.  That was some pretty good cooking right there, I think.

Rattlesnake (2019) is a movie about a mother, Katrina, travelling through the desert with her daughter, Clara.  They're making a new start, heading to her mother's place, with all the stuff they own in the back of their van.  They're playing that game, not sure what it's called, where you go through the alphabet, trying to spot things that begin with the letter you are on, as you go down the highway.  I think they are up to the letter "E" when the tire blows out on a long lonely detour, and the mother has to get out and change a tire.  The daughter Clara spots a rattlesnake, which bites her, but unfortunately, "Rattlesnake" does not begin with the letter "E," so Katrina has to play a new game.  In this game, Katrina has to find help for her rapidly-suffocating daughter on a lonely desert road in the middle of the day.  Let's hope Katrina wins this one, otherwise, her daughter's going to lose.

I thought I'd give Rattlesnake a shot because it just popped up on Netflix a few days ago, and I didn't want to watch CHUD II: Bud the Chud again.  It's not that Bud the Chud is a bad movie, it's just, I think I just saw it like 6 months ago, and it's still fresh in my head.  Meh.  Maybe I'll give Bud a shot later.  Bud's on Vudu if you want to see it, along with a shit ton of other crappy monster movies, if you haven't already got your fill this October.

As for Rattlesnake, it's a very slow starter.  You're just traveling along with a mom and her daughter as they play and drive, and then the tire blows out, shit happens, and then...  things get even slower.  Sure, there's some ghosts that pop up here and there, try to make life exciting for Katrina, but in the end, nothing much really happens.  It's a long slow slog for a movie that only lasts an hour and 25 minutes, and feels more like 3-4 hours long.  Honestly, I can't really recommend it.  It's got Carmen Ejogo as Katrina, and Theo Rossi (from Luke Cage) as Billy, but I didn't really recognize anyone else.  Technically a horror movie, and the ending was predictable, but might be worth a single viewing.  I'm certainly not going to watch it again.  Netflix, you make me sad in pants.

And this concludes October Horror Movie Review-A-Thon 2019!  31 horror movies reviewed in 31 days!  This is my tenth Ohmrat, I believe.  A whole decades worth of horror movies, that's 310 horror movies reviewed during octobers past, and that's not even counting the horror movies I review the rest of the year.  Sure, maybe I review certain movies twice as the years go by, but they are all good ones!  Maybe next year, if I am still alive, I will do a halloween horror movie favorites list!  31 of my favorite horror movies!  Doesn't that sound nice?  I think it does!  Well, we'll see what happens.  I don't want to promise anything I can't deliver!

In other news, I am now going to go play computer games and watch Trick r Treat.  :-D  See you guys next time I have something worthy of reviewing!  Happy Halloween, and don't eat too much candy, or something like that.  Leave some for Sam.  :-D

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