Wednesday, October 30, 2019

#30 - Cabin in the Woods (2011)

If there's one thing I like about horror movies, it's the monters.  Some horror movies have human monsters, and yea, humans can be scary, but it's really the monsters that I like to see.  Werewolves, aliens, maybe a few vampires or zombies thrown in for good measure, now that's a good horror movie for me.

Cabin in the Woods (2011) has all the monsters.  There are werewolves, zombies, mummies, ghosts, aliens, things that defy description, and yes, even human monsters.  Five young people are lured to a  cabin in the woods with the promise of a nice weekend away from it all, a break from the tedium of college professors and studying.  Before they even arrive, they meet a cantankerous old gas station attendant, and things only get stranger once they get to the cabin.  Everyone starts behaving a bit oddly, and then the cellar door "blows open."  What's down there?  Of course, everyone goes to see, and then...   you guessed it!  All hell breaks loose!

Everyone in this movie makes bad decisions, but in this case, there's good reasons.  There's two stories to follow here, the one happening behind the scenes, and the one happening with the poor students.  Usually, that kind of thing bothers me, but here, it works.  Everyone has a decent backstory here, there are no heroes, no villains, and yet everyone is both a hero, and a villain.  I even feel bad for the monsters in this movie, trapped and just waiting years to get the chance to kill again.  I feel bad for the office drones, just trying to do their jobs.  I feel bad for the college students, because they have to die so that others may live.  Most of all, I feel bad for the Harbinger, who has one of the funniest parts in the whole movie, and it's not even a comedy.  I am not sure where I caught this, but it was definitely one of the cable channels.

Okay, been a long day and I am tired, so that's all for tonight.  One more review to go!  :-D

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