Thursday, October 24, 2019

#24 - In the Tall Grass (2019)

I think I've pretty much seen all of Stephen King's horror movies, even the bad ones.  I started reading his books when I was 7 years old.  I was standing in my living room and I noticed my sister was reading "The Stand."  I asked her if I could read it when she was done with it, and she said "Sure." and in the meantime, she gave me another Stephen King book to read, "Christine."  I was about to crack open the book and start reading, and she gave me a warning...  "It's scary" she said.  I said, "It's okay!  I know the difference between fantasy, and reality." And with that, I opened it up, and began my lifelong love of horror.  Forty-two years later, here we are!  Huh  42.  Weird.  :-D

In the Tall Grass (2019) is a movie about, of all things, Tall Grass.  Cal is driving his pregnant sister Becky across the country, when they stop to let Becky puke.  Apparently, she's still getting morning sickness even at this late state of pregnancy.  While they're stopped, they hear a little boy calling for help from inside a big field of tall grass.  Cal parks the car across the road, and heads into the grass to see if he can find the boy.  Becky follows, and that's just the beginning of the movie.

This movie was okay.  Slow starter, I guess.  And there's time travel involved, which just kind of annoys me, but, meh, you know how I feel about time travel by now.  I don't know who Becky and Cal were (the actors, I mean) but Ross (a random guy they find in the tall grass) is played by Patrick Wilson (Insidious, the Conjuring).  There's not a big cast in this movie, and the only real setting is the tall grass.  This movie was made by Netflix, and you can only find it there, if you want to watch it.  It's only an hour and a half, so not too long, and the slow start gradually builds into at least an understandable ending.  I hate those time-travel movies where you can't figure out wtf is going on, and then it ends, but this one's not really like that.  I can't really say much more about this movie, but it is from a story co-written by Stephen King and Joe Hill.  I don't know who Joe Hill is, but I am fairly familiar with Stephen King's work.  I'm trying to think of some scene or twist that I really liked in this movie, and I can't really think of anything that stands out.  Oh well!

That's all for tonight!  One more week of horror!  Man, I can't believe we're 3/4ths of the way through October already.  Crazy how time flies when you have the flu (just got over that last week) and then you're trying to watch as many horror movies as you can, because you know everything will switch over to Xmas stuff the minute October ends.  :-D  Catch you guys next time.

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