Sunday, October 20, 2019

#19 - Glass (2019)

I know what you're thinking, and no, it's not "Geez, I wish I had a beer in my hand right now," it's "Damn, that Meandering Scribe guy missed another review!  He's fallen behind again!"  Well, you'd be wrong!  Not only aren't you about to have a beer in your hand, but you're wrong about the other thing, too!  I watched two movies yesterday, I just finished so late, I didn't have a chance to write them up.  Let's start with Glass.

Glass (2019) is about a man named David Dunn, who's a security expert out patrolling his neighborhood, when he comes across a man with a Disassociative Idenity Disorder, otherwise known as DID, or Multiple Personalities.  Dunn tracks the man back to his lair, where he finds a group of imprisoned cheerleaders.  David is quickly caught in an all-out battle against a man as mercurial as he is strong, ferocious as he is strange...  And trying to save a bunch of chained-up cheerleaders is just the start of a very bad day for David Dunn.  Maybe he could use some aspirin.

I joke, because David Dunn is played by Bruce Willis, who most of us know from the Die Hard series.  In one of those movies, he spent an entire day fighting terrorists, all the way having a "very bad headache," and just looking for some aspirin.  Samuel L. Jackson plays the titular "Mr. Glass" in this movie, and as probably many of you have guessed by now, this is the third in a long (at least in chronological time) series of superhero movie by M. Night Shyamalan (I really hope I spelled that right, I am too hung-over to look it up, and admittedly, I've made fun of it in the past).  James McAvoy also appears as his character(s) from Split, and there's a long list of them.  I love how the credits reflect that, listing every single character the actor played.

I know, you're probably thinking "Wait, this is a superhero movie, not horror.  Where dafuq is my horror movie review, biatch?"  Well, yes, this is also a superhero movie, but it has many basic horror movie elements.  Let's review, shall we?  Serial killer with multiple personalities who has caught a bunch of cheerleaders, check.  Creepy old insane asylum loaded with cameras that watch every move everyone makes, check.  Sociopathic Psychiatrist who thinks everyone needs to be locked up for their own good, check.  Lots of people dying, check.  The relcutant hero, deranged mastermind and sub-plots within sub-plots leading to an end-game reveal?  That's all just icing on the horror-movie cake, baby.  If all that doesn't convince you you're dealing with a horror movie here, then maybe I've got it all wrong.  Maybe everyone's life isn't just a horror movie that hasn't come to a violent end yet... or maybe it is!  The suspense is killing me!  Am I the first one to get offed, or do I live, only to be run over by a truck as I almost make it to safety?  Is this Friday the 13th, Halloween, or Final Destination?  Who can say? :-o

Now that that's out of the way, I thought this movie was okay, but I wasn't thrilled with the ending.  This movie had excellent production, decent dialogue, good action, your basic superhero movie with some excellent sub-plots going on, instead of just one big over-arching plot.  I watched this one on HBO if you want to see it, and though I personally wouldn't watch it twice, it was good enough the first time.  Time for my second review of the day!  :-D

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