Tuesday, October 30, 2018

#30 - Victor Crowley (2017)

It's always tough finding good horror the last few days of October.  Usually, everyone's off at Halloween parties, and there's those last few horror movies premieres they try and sneak onto the Premium channels, but there's never any warning, so you miss all the good ones.  For instance, I missed 1987's "The Monster Squad" earlier!  That's like the best kids' horror movie, ever!  Plus, Wolfman's got naarrrrdddsss!

Victor Crowley (2017) is a continuation of the Hatchet movie series.  Victor Crowley was a deformed boy in the swamps of Louisiana, who was accidentally killed in a house fire by his own father, who was trying to break him out of the house with an axe.  Since then, Victor Crowley's unkillable ghost hunts the swamps every night, looking for folks to kill...

The first three Hatchet movies starred a series of B-list celebrities looking for a paycheck, and this one... doesn't.  One of the survivors of the previous movies makes an appearance, in fact, the whole movie is pretty much about his appearance, but there's much less Victor Crowley, even in the movie that bears his name.  Effects were okay, it was pretty much the same thing as Hatchet 3, with less Danielle Harris.  The most exciting part of the movie was the brief nudity, and that was only half a butt-cheek.  Wouldn't watch again.  Probably the end of the Hatchet series.  I saw it on Cinemax on demand, I think, if you want to check it out yourself.  See if you don't agree.

In other news, I tried to finish up the Haunting of Hill House, Castlevania and Sabrina (all on Netflix), but I haven't got any farther on the Hill House one and only just started the other two.  To be fair, they all look like they are worth at least one viewing.  I love the Castlevania cartoons so far, and I watched the first episode of Sabrina just to see how horrible it was.  As it turned out, it wasn't horrible, but decent.  I didn't have time to watch any more than the first two episodes, but so far, looks pretty good.  I'll have to check it all out in November, when I have more time.

One more movie to go!  I have no idea what it's going to be.  Hopefully I can find something to watch while I'm doing all the other Halloween stuff tomorrow.  I've seen Trick 'r Treat already once, the Shining, and maybe I can squeeze the Fog in at some point.  Maybe even Night of the Creeps.  Meh, probably not, but hey, those movies will still be around in November.  :-)  Happy and safe Halloween, everybody!  See you tomorrow for the end of OHMRAT (October Horror Movie Review-A-Thon) 2018!

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Happy Halloween!

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