I know, it's been a while since my last post! I am sure all... two... of you were waiting with breath held, turning blue for want of my words of wisdom. Well, here they are! Sorry for the delay, but wait! Let me explain!
So, I have a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family. I eat. I drink. I get sloshed. I come home, and I write 3000+ words on my novel that I was supposed to have done by November 30th. Which was a damn good start at the time, it put me over 10k words, and if I could have kept up the 1000+ words an hour pace, I'd have made it!
But alas, I came down with the flu the day after Thanksgiving. :-(
So there I am, miserable. I have the flu for days and days. I can't finish my novel. I left work early last week monday. Missed tuesday because of it. I finally get back to work wednesday, I'm feeling better, ready to get back to work on my novel... and oh, it's December 1st. I missed it! Curses! Failed again.
Then what happens when I get home from work the day I start to feel a teeeeensy bit better? We get 3 feet of snow in 24 hours. Oh yea. The official term was a "persistent lake effect snow band," but I know better. It was a test! A test of my willpower and fortitude! I met the blizzard of snowflakes with teeth gritted, ready to go down fighting under 17 billion tons of snow!
So I miss work last thursday because I can't shovel anymore. The snow came down faster than I could shovel. And my back died. Curses! Failed again!
Friday comes. I'm barely able to shovel my way out of my driveway. I'm driving my mom to the bank, because, she HAS to go, and they JUST lifted the driving ban we had in effect in my area like, ten minutes before we left the house. And HEY! I can't STEEER! :-o
Yea, apparently ice or snow or the bumpy ride OVER the ice and snow wrecked something in the engine and I can't steer. It was fine when I left the house, and I ended up in a bank parking lot with my flashers on, blocking one of the entrances to the place. Wheeeee! What a way to spend my day off.
But hey! I'm an adult, or so they tell me. I got this. I call AAA. It'll be 6 or 7 hours before they can tow my car. They had a lot of people stuck in snow, apparently. So I figure, what the hell. I'll miss another day of work, I'll get some extra time for my back to recover, and VOILA! I'll be good to go on Tuesday. Yea, I'm one of those, every-cloud-has-a-silver-lining kinds of guys.
But those of you who know how the universe works are saying... Oh no, Mr Bill. OH NOES. Yep. My nephew, who lives in FLORIDA, drives his ass up here to "help me out" and takes me to work monday morning. And yea, I'm apprecative and all. I get the $60 that I'd have got for the day after taxes. But Florida? Come on! He just wanted to have a snowball fight!
So that's my week, people. Oh, I'm all better now. Back feels good, just finished the shovelling, finally. Car's fixed. Back to work. And, it's December! CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!! :-D So yea, week from hell, but I survived. And I told my story! So that YOU TOO can survive your weeks of hell. Erm, whenever you have them. maybe you already did. Maybe your week of hell made my week of hell seem like a vacation in the bahamas. Minus, you know, the warm weather. But I was still very worn out from it. So THERE! :-P~~~
If nobody reads my blog before Xmas, Merry Yule and Happy Happy Joy Joy New Year, or something. I'm sure I'll post before then, but for now, I'm enjoying the pre-holiday fun of watching other people rush around for presents. :-)
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