Thursday, December 1, 2022

Troll (2022)

Okay, my anuual thanksgiving post is a few days late, so before we get to that, I'm reviewing a horror movie!  Okay, well it's more of a monster movie.  A decently-budgeted new, monster movie!  Yes, of course I am talking about Troll on Netflix.

Troll (2022) is about, well, a troll.  Norway is drilling a tunnel through the mountains, and lo and behold, they wake up a troll.  I mean, nobody wants to call it what it is at first, but let's face it, it's a giant stone monster with a big nose.  So.  Yes.  A troll.

For those of you who have seen my reviews of Trollhunter some years back, the idea that Norway uses their mythology as the basis for their monster movies shouldn't surprise you.  Trollhunter was about a lone trollhunter running into a troll infestation triggered by some rabid trolls.  Trolls get rabies, you ask?  apparently, I guess.  I mean, that's what trollhunter said, I'm just going by the already-established mythology.  This movie follows in that same vein, digging deep into norwegian and possibly scandinavian mythology to make a really decent monster movie.  I think at one point some random newscaster even asked if the images of the troll were a Norwegian Godzilla.  :-D

I liked Troll.  The acting was decent, the actors even looked kind of familiar to me.  In fact, I think one of the ministers was in Lillehammer (yes, netflix's first foray into original content) about a decade ago.  The special effects were good and it was immediately obvious this wasn't a cheap monster flick.  The ending was a little predictable, but everything else was excellent.  Can highly recommend watching it on Netflix for an enjoyable evening, if you don't mind seeing the ending coming a mile away.

In other news, last week was Thanksgiving, and I usually do a giving-thanks post.  It's been a rough year.  Lost my mom back in march, and I am in desperate financial straits.  But I'm not going to bore you with my problems.  This is about what I am thankful for.  I am thankful my mom and dad lasted as long as they did.  I am thankful that I got to work out almost all my parental issues before my mom and dad passed.  I am thankful mom and dad thought to provide for me, even after they were gone.  I am thankful for all the good memories i've had in this house over the years, all the halloween gatherings and thanksgiving day meals, all the Christmas magic and new year's celebrations.  I'm grateful for all the summers in my big yard, wishing i had a pool.  I am grateful the house has held together all these years, and not just fallen apart due to old age, like the rest of us did.  I'm especially grateful for my friends on the internet, who have helped me keep my sanity through these hard times.  I'm thankful for my health, that I have a roof over my head right now, and that I have plenty of food to keep me fed for a while.  Let's just hope I figure out a way to keep the heat on.  :-D

Happy Holidays out there, everybody.  I know you're doing your best.  Just keep on keeping on.

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