Sunday, May 8, 2022

Demonic (2021)

Okay, so it's been a while since i had a review posted.  Or one about a decent horror movie.  Or one that was culturally relevant.  Rejoice!  Thse days have returned.  At least for a while, until I run out of money and they take my house and I become a street bum raving about the time I had a multibiollion-dollar successful horror movie review blog.  Hah!  Those were the days.  Tonight's movie is, of course, a horror movie, because why the hell wouldn't it be?

Demonic (2021) is about a woman who is getting some bad dreams about her mom.  Like most folks in reality, this woman doesn't live as part of a sitcom family, and she and her mom don't get along very well.  In fact, this woman's mom has been in jail for so long that she doesn't even know her mom is in a coma.  So it is with some surprise that a company comes to her and offers to connect her with her mother's unconscious mind through some state-of-the-art technology that allows her and her mother to communicate in a virtual universe...  like that facebook Metaverse thing, only it actually works.

Okay, now for the review.

There isn't a huge cast in this movie, maybe half a dozen folks at most.  There's the woman, Carly, played by Carly Pope, and her comatose mom Angela, played by Nathalie Boltt.  Chris William Martin plays Martin, Carly's old boyfriend.  Kandyse McClure plays Sam, Carly's friend, and the only Actress I actually recognize from somewhere else.  Michael J Rogers and Terry Chen play the lab folks who invite Carly to virtually visit her mom.  Acting in this movie is passably okay.  Most of the action happens virtually, so the graphics are semi-pixellated in a way that makes it look like you've got a crappy graphics card and you're watching a cut-scene from a computer game that's like ten years old.  When the Demon first shows up, the best special effects they can manage are a bunch of spikes shooting off of things, which makes it look like there's a graphics glitch and they need to update their video drivers.

The plot's not horrible, but it reminds me of that movie where the exorcist goes into people's heads to get the demons out.  And yes, minor spoiler, there's a demon.  It looks like the outline of a crow or something.  Yeah, the graphics aren't that good in this movie.  There's some brief sub-plot about a team of gun-toting exorcists but it sort of flits in and out like a bad dream that you can't really rememeber.  It doesn't affect the main plot, which I want to say is that Carly's mother can treat her like crap for her whole life and then blame the whole thing on a demon, but that's probably not what's really happening here, and may be colored by my own personal perceptions.

Directed by Neil Blomkamp, Demonic lasts 1 hour and 45 minutes, and can be found playing on Showtime this month.  I saw this movie once, and probably won't be watching it again.  It wasn't really that good.

In other news, tomorrow is Mother's Day!  Well, technically it's today since I am finishing this up late Saturday night / early sunday morning, while watching Saturday Night Live.  Love that weekend update, am i right?

This Mother's day is going to be a hard one for me, as my mom passed away about two months ago.  We only learned that mom had some mild dementia in 2019, and then mom was doing pretty good health-wise during 2020, despite being stuck in the house because of the pandemic.  A series of Urinary Tract Infections made her a little more confused (normal for old folks with UTI's, apparently) in 2021, and we couldn't seem to get them cured for more than a few weeks at a time.  She was gradually getting weaker, and then she had a stroke in early February of 2022.  Mom spent a month trying to fight her way back, but I guess her 89-year-old body finally gave out and she aspirated the food from her feeding tube into her lungs.  They had to remove the tube and put her on comfort care only, and mom still managed to stick around for 4 days before passing peacefully in her sleep in early March.  But hey, she had a good 87 years of fun before the pandemic hit, and lived 89.5 years in total, and that's not bad for a woman who was born in 1932.  She was definitely a tough old bird.

I'm slowly piecing my life back together after being her full-time caregiver, and i'm learning to adult on my own.  So, I'm gonna miss my mom tomorrow, but the horror movie reivews are going to continue as soon as I find another decent one to review.

In other other news, the spring has been crazy here.  Last week we had snow on the ground when I woke up, this coming week it's going to be 80 degrees and sunny and my lawn needs mowing.  Spring in western new york is crazy.  I hope everyone is doing their best to enjoy the nicer weather, because let's face it, we don't have forever to enjoy ourselves.

That's all for now.  Happy Mother's Day.

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