Saturday, October 24, 2020

23 - Slice (2018)

Some horror movies are light-hearted and amusing, some are dark and grim.  What movies you find personally scary are individual to each and everyone, and probably have a lot to do with your childhood experiences.  Sometimes, horror movies can be too personally scary to even watch.  To date, I have never watched the movie "Misery" in its entirety, mostly because I have a fear of medical stuff and there weren't any like, horrific monsters in that movie (aside from Kathy Bates' terrific performance).  Everyone who's ever read my blog knows I love a good monster flick.  :-)

Slice (2018) starts like any good murder mystery begins, with a murder most foul.  Someone has slain a pillar of the community, a bastion of good hygiene and classical good looks, a paragon of...  okay, they killed a drug-addicted drug-dealing pizza delivery boy.  Just sliced his throat wide open from behind, and they don't even give you a good camera angle, so you can't tell who done it.  Probably where they got the movie name from.  Play on words.  Slice of a throat, and a slice of pizza.  Get it?  Funny stuff.  There's a few more murders after that, all pizza delivery people.  Strangely, they all even work for the same fast-food pizza joint.  Strange coincidence!  :-o

I saw this on one of the showtime channels, if you want to catch it yourself.  Special effects were pretty basic, and the acting wasn't exactly stellar.  I love that the whole town of Kingfisher in the movie is basically a haven for ghosts, and they advertise that they haven't seen a witch, werewolf or demon in ages!  Which, I suppose is a good selling point if you're hoping to move there.  I mean, who wants to live in a town with a witches, demons and werewolves?  Ghosts are bad enough, amirite?  Not a bad watch, kinda funny, entertaining enough for at least one viewing, I should think.  Two, probably not, but once is good.

That's all for tonight.  Gettting late, and I needs my sleepies.  :-)

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