Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Invisible Man (2020)

Your long national nightmare is finally over!  No, not that one.  Or that one either.  Or that one.  Nope, not that one either!  Yeah, 2020 sucks for me, too.  No, it's that Meandering Scribe is posting horror movie reviews again!  Yay!

Tonight's review is about the Invisible Man (2020).  Okay, so typical abused woman story here, only with a twist.  Woman flees abusive husband, only the abusive husband is actually "The Invisible Man."  Pretty scary plot twist!  This movie is supposedly part of Universal's "Dark Universe" of horror.  Doing a live review as I watch the movie, so here goes.

Okay, so typical abusive husband story, so far.  Abused woman sneaks out of husband's house late at night.  Reminds me of so many revenge movies that I have seen before.  Apparently the woman's husband is a world expert in Optics?  Is that supposed to be some sort of code for invisibility?  I don't know.  They don't go into any detail.  The husband is a faceless nothing at this point.  They don't even really show him.  Hard to identify with the abused woman either.  They don't show the husband doing anything abusive.  So far, all I've seen is him sleeping.  Maybe that's part of the plot, that the woman could be completely insane?  Who knows?

Okay, the special effects aren't very good.  Typical camera tricks.  The acting's not particularly impressive.  The plot's not very good, either.  Apparently the invisible man can do things that should be physically impossible.  Hilarious how no one believes the woman at all, not even her most trusted friends.  Talk about blaming the victim.  In the era of #MeToo, shouldn't we be listening?  None of these actors are anyone I have seen before.

Okay, none of this shit makes any sense.  An hour and 44 minutes into the movie, I can finally see what the husband looks like.  I can see why they didn't show him before.  He looks like a doofus.  Nearing the end of the movie, aaaaaand, saw that "plot twist" coming a mile away.  Bleh.  Credits rolling.  Why did I waste two hours of my life on this?

Okay, to sum up.  Invisible Man on HBO if you want to watch it.  Bad special effects, almost all camera tricks and CGI-generated rubber suits.  Bad acting, bad plot.  I can't think of any redeeming features, any reason I would even bother to watch this movie a second time.  If this was Universal's last attempt to revive their Dark Universe, I'd say the DU was a rotting corpse already.  Don't waste your time on this, if you come across it this Halloween season.  Not worth your time, in my opinion.

In other news.  There's a global pandemic on.  You may have heard something about it on the news.  I'm staying safe and nothing has really changed much in my life since I didn't go out much before the Pandemic started.  Just been busy with life, bit stressed by all the fun things that 2020 has had to offer!  You know how that goes, I am sure.  Totally going to try to get some horror movies reviews going in the month of October, for my annual OHMRAT (October Horror Movie Review-A-Thon, in case you don't know), but I don't know if I am going to manage one horror movie review per day.  Soooooo much other stuff to do every day.  I will try to do a couple movie reviews every weekend, at least, hopefully newer horror movies.  We will see how things go, and I hope to see you all there!

Stay safe out there, people.  Wear a mask and stuff.  Try not to go to huge parties.  Just sayin!

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