Thursday, February 7, 2019

Ant Man and Wasp, Incredibles 2

Yep, I'm alive!  What, it's only been 5 weeks or so.  I've taken longer breaks, like that time I posted in Feb to a new blog I created, and then forgot I had a blog until the following year.  Yeah, good times, good times.  So, enough chit-chat, we're all caught up, on to the review.

Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018, or, the title is something to that effect), is out on Netflix.  This movie is a follow-up to the first Ant-Man movie.  In this one, Ant-Man is basically under house arrest (for being Ant-Man) and the FBI keeps dropping in on him to make sure he's done with all that superhero stuff, so this is one of those wacky superhero comedies where he makes fools of the FBI while doing good deeds under the radar!

What I liked about this movie:  There's no world-saving going on here.  The plot is a simple rescue mission, a few mostly-normal bad guys to deal with, a fairly sympathetic villain (who's cute, too, and I mean the Ghost lady), and lots of wacky hijinks along the way.  I especially liked the lonely asian lead on the FBI side, and I'm wondering, would it be so hard to throw him a bone?  I mean, take him out to dinner next week, when your schedule clears up, ffs.  Poor guy never gets out of his office, and I can tell he's getting a little stir-crazy in there.  Also, Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer really class up the picture, not to mention the actress who plays the Wasp.  The Ant-Man's security support team are all excellent supporting actors, too, but I'm too lazy to look up their names right now.

What I didn't like about this picture.  The Sokovia Accords.  Look, this is a fictional universe, and I REALLY hate politics.  Do we really need the fictional world governments in this fake alternate universe butting into the lives of fake superheros just as a random plot device?  I don't think so.  I mean, everyone who's watching the movie knows the superheroes are just trying to do the right thing, save lives, and take down the bad guys.  Why paint the fictional goverments as bad guys?  Why not make the fictional governments supportive and nurturing of heroes, who are just trying to do the right thing?  Why does every man, woman and child on the face of the fake-earth have to hate superheroes as much as the supervillains do?  Is no one ever going to be in the superhero's corner?  I get this shit in every damn hero show now, Ant-Man, Supergirl, Agents of SHIELD...   Ugh.  It's like watching C-SPAN all the time.  And I don't do that.  I don't even watch the news, you know why?  That's right!  Too much politics!

What I also didn't like about this picture:  The ending.  Sure, it was all feel-good for a minute there, and then I get reminded that (SPOILERS!) Thanos killed half of everyone in the entire universe.  Look, let's just take a minute here and talk about all the plot holes in infinity wars.  Why is Dr. Strange, the earth's sorceror supreme, limited to using magic ropes to try and pull off the gauntlet?  Why not make it vanish?  why not make Thanos vanish?  Why not use the time-stone and go back to when Thanos was making it?  Why does Dr. Strange give up the stone in the first place?  See, if a guy like Thanos says "No Tricks" to me, I'm automatically going to trick him, just because he's a huge arsehole.  Why does the Hulk not come out and kick some ass?  I mean seriously, he's had his ass kicked before, it usually just pisses him off, which is the whole point of being the Hulk.  Why is this time different?  Oh, well, Thanos can't snap his fingers if he's battling the Hulk, so we need to get Hulk out of the picture!  Bah.  Lazy writing.  Lazy writing pisses me off.  HULK SMASH!

Moving on.

The Incredibles 2 (2018, I think).  Not a bad picture for a cartoon.  In this sequel, which picks up right after the events of the first movie, the Incredibles proceed to deal with the fallout of the family all being superheroes, and Jack-Jack's burgeoning powers.  Also available on netflix.

What I liked about this movie:  Meh, it was all pretty good, slightly larger part for Frozone (Samuel L Jackson) which was expected, and the rest of it was cool, lot of characters from the first movie came back, but thankfully not the bad guy.  The bad guy in the first movie was a dork.  No spoilers for this one.

What I didn't like:  Again, the world outlawed Superheroes in the Incredibles, which is ridiculous since there are still supervillains out there and they don't care if the world outlaws THEM.   Meh, all stupid political BS.  Doesn't belong in a movie about superheroes duking it out with supervillains, or at least, it detracts from MY enjoyment of such things.  Honestly, all the political nonsense in superhero stuff lately, doesn't even make me want to watch them anymore.

For instance, I hear that the Captain Marvel movie isn't going to be released on Netflix, now.  I don't go to the movies, so if I can't see it there, and they're only showing it on the Disney+ service, then Disney can just go fark themselves if they think I am paying to see yet another third-rate superhero movie.  Personally, I think Disney's going down the rabbit hole on this one, but I'm not disney, and I don't make bajillions of dollars while having croissants for breakfast, so I know my opinion isn't worth a burnt croissant, but I really think disney's going down the rabbit hole on this whole Dsiney+ thing.  I think they're going to take a huge bite on it, and either abandon it or just flop, big time.  Hey, people make mistakes.  Wouldn't be the first time a huge company has screwed up, and gone into the toilet because of it.  Mark my words.  Or, you know, just remember them.  No, don't mark the screen, no, stop, no, PUT THE MARKER DOWN.

Sorry, it's late, and all the company I have this time of night are the voices in my head.  Good talk.  Happy Valentine's Day!  Til next time.

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