Sunday, October 22, 2017

#22 - The Babysitter (2017)

It's apparently Leslie Bibb weekend here on Scrolls of Wisdom, becase she was in last night's movie (Trick 'R Treat) as well.  Purely coincidence, but that's fine, I love doing marathon songs or movies involving a single artist.  I mostly decided to review this one because I had a friend of mine asking me if this movie was any good or not, and I'd been seeing it on advertised on Netflix the last week or two.

The Babysitter (2017) is about Cole, a teen boy who, shall we say, is not the most popular kid.  In fact, Cole's a geeky nerd.  He gets picked on at school, and by the neighborhood kids, especially a gang of bike-riding thugs led by Jeremy, a kid who likes to regularly throw eggs at Cole's home.  Luckily, Cole has Bee, his bad-ass babysitter, who always has his back!  Melanie, Cole's neighbor, casually mentions that most babysitters like to get funky with their boyfriends after their charges go to sleep, and Cole becomes curious.  Just what exactly DOES Bee do, while Cole sleeps?   Cole's parents are away for the weekend, so why not find out?

I don't know any of the actors in the entire cast except Leslie Bibb, who plays Cole's mom.  Leslie Bibb does not have a lot of screen time in this movie, but she does a good job for when she's there.  Samara Weaving plays Bee, who is apparently Hugo Weaving's niece, or something?  Most of the actors did a decent job, and the special effects were good enough to get the point across, which is all that matters.  I know this doesn't sound like a horror movie so far, but it definitely heads that way, so I am pretty sure this is a horror movie.  Hell, it's got big creepy-looking spiders in it, and i hate spiders, so it qualifies as horror as far as I am concerned!  :-D

The Babysitter is on Netflix if anyone wants to check it out.  I don't know if I'd watch it again, other than to check out Samaara Weaving, who is definitely the kind of babysitter I would've wanted, growing up.  Shame, my parents both worked and pretty much left me to wander the streets at night, in leiu of adult supervision.  :-/  So much for hot babysitter fantasies!  But hey, you never know if there's going to be a babysitter sequel!  Let's hope!  I'd like to see more of Bee in a bikini.  :-D

That's all for tonight!  More horror to watch.  Catch you guys tomorrow with another review!

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